Get clear on what your intuitive senses are telling you. There are many beings in the spiritual realms and many layers to our spiritual experiences. Categories laid out in an easy to read format, based on agreements made in the spiritual arts between practitioners.
Energies that are experienced over and over again can be verified by the collective consciousness. Energies not mentioned in this class are subclasses of each category. Many have very specific names beyond the scope of this course.
However, if you can't Google it, there is a good chance it does not exist. Clairvoyants have verified collectively what the spiritiual realms contain. This class is helpful for those who are trying to make sense of their spiritual experiences.
Clairvoyant agreements and the mind
Spiritual Realms
Realities: astral travel, lucid dreaming, mediumship, ancestors, and animal spirits
Created Realities: egregores, archetypes, pantheons, elements, etc
Religious Ideology: superhumans, demons, smudging
Constructed Realities: thoughtforms, servitors, tulpas, guides, shadow people
New Age Ideology: psychology, gurus, protection, grounding
Notes about mental illness
Notes about occultism and spirit allies
This class is written in outline form. You can come back to this information as often as you like, this is an informative class that guides you in understanding your own spiritual reality.
Learning how the spiritual realms are constructed can bring you more clarity and peace.
Intuitive Guidance included with each class. You can schedule your follow up session with me after you complete it.
Intuitive Discernment Class
I will email you the link for your follow-up reading when you complete your purchase and download the class. Please let me know if you have any issues with the download.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions.
This material is copyrighted by IR and Katie Martinez, RN. All Rights Reserved.